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Izpārdot veikalu telpas mikrorajonos

Avots: DB-Online

Aprīlī bija novērojams, ka cilvēki pārdošanai sāk piedāvāt nelielus īpašumus mikrorajonos, piemēram, Imantā, Ķengaragā, Iļģuciemā, Pļavniekos. Tās ir daudzdzīvokļu namu pirmajos stāvos izveidotās nelielās tirdzniecības platības – veikaliņi,“ieskrietuvītes” u.tml. Kā pārdošanas iemeslu, pārdevēji min Eiropas Savienības prasības, kuras pēc 1. maija reglamentēs dzīvojamajās mājās esošo kafejnīcu darbību, - vēstī Latio.
Lai gan tirgū aizvien saglabājas liela interese par tirdzniecības platību iegādi īpašumā, šīs mikrorajonu telpas pircejus nevilinot. To cena sasniedz pat vairāk nekā 1000 EUR/kv.m. Pieprasījums pēc telpām Rīgas mikrorajonos nav liels.
Liels pieprasījums, kurš salīdzinot ar iepriekšējiem mēnešiem vēl turpina augt, ir pēc kafejnīcu telpām Vecrīgas labākajās vietās.



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    Latvijas Reitingi Top.LV
BVI legislation is modern and very flexible, there are more benefits
< >
than requirements, this has made it the base for IBC formation legislation
< >
in many Caribbean jurisdictions. They consider it to be the ideal model
< >
for establishing an international financial centre
< >
and attracting the world offshore community.
< >
Offshore company is a specialized offshore incorporation firm located
< >
in Gibraltar and licensed by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
< >
to provide offshore company formation services.
< >
Economical and legal stability in Gibraltar gives additional
< >
advantages to the owners of Gibraltar offshore companies:
< >
not only they enjoy all the features of asset protection, but also
< >
acquire stability and good reputation for their business.
< >
Seychelles offshore shelf companies are previously organized and
< >
never used corporations, with registered capital and all the costs paid,
< >
which can be purchased for customer's immediate needs, in order
< >
to avoid the waiting time for incorporation, or for those clients
< >
who wish to operate with long established offshore entity.
< >
For offshore company registration in Seychelles, only one director
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and one shareholder are required; each of them can be either physical person
< >
or corporate entity. Their details do not appear in the public records.
< >
Information about beneficial owners, directors and shareholders
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is kept confidential, not becoming the part of public record.
For maintaining owner's confidentiality, nominee services are also available.