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Liepājā spriedīs par piekrastes apbūvi

Avots: Dienas Bizness

21. aprīlī Liepājā ieradīsies 45 arhitektu un pilsētplānotāju delegācija, lai piedalītos praktiskā seminārā par piekrastes dzīvojamās apbūves līdzsvarotu attīstību. Plānošanas un izpētes darbi noritēs no 21. līdz 25.aprīlim. Delegācija ierodas Baltijas Pilsētu savienības Pilsētplānotāju komisijas projekta Baltijas pilsētu alianse ( ABC – Aliance of Baltic Cities ) ietvaros. Semināra laikā tiks veidotas trīs darba grupas un katra no tām strādās noteiktā pilsētas teritorijā : 1.grupa – starp Ezerkrasta mikrorajoniem; 2.grupa - starp pilsētas centrā , ostmalā; 3.grupa – Karostā.



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    Latvijas Reitingi Top.LV
The BVI offshore IBC formation legislation was implemented in 1984
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and is constantly developed according to the demands and
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requirements of international offshore community.
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Personal privacy of any shareholder or director is well protected as their names
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do not appear in any BVI incorporation documents and public records.
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In their turn, shareholders and directors
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are ensuring confidentiality of beneficiary owners.
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The new BVI Business Companies Act provides full tax exemption
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to all offshore corporate formations registered there
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and ensures modern and flexible business environment.
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Offshore company is a specialized offshore incorporation firm located
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in Gibraltar and licensed by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
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to provide offshore company formation services.
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The Gibraltar non-resident company is the best way to protect your
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personal assets or to hold your property and investments, when
the complicated tax exemption and tax planning schemes are not needed.