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      Inženierbūves un industriālie projekti, komunikācijas
      Projekta dokumentācijas ekspertīze
      Restaurācija, Remonts, Rekonstrukcija
      Teritorijas un infrastruktūras labiekārtošana

      Ēku vadības sistēmas (BMS)
      Apsardzes sistēmas
      Drošības sistēmas
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Iepirkumu menedžeris

Reģionālais pārstavis darbam Jelgavā

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SIA Latpos


SIA VV Stils
Par projektu Reklāma un kontakti Autortiesības un atbildība
Copyright © 2003-2004 All rights reserved. Izstrādāts

    Latvijas Reitingi Top.LV
Seychelles offshore shelf companies are previously organized and
< >
never used corporations, with registered capital and all the costs paid,
< >
which can be purchased for customer's immediate needs, in order
< >
to avoid the waiting time for incorporation, or for those clients
< >
who wish to operate with long established offshore entity.
< >
Seychelles Special License Company is a new entity regulated by the
< >
Companies (Special Licenses) Act 2003, with the status of a low-tax company
< >
and using all the benefits of double tax avoidance treaties
< >
that are not accessible for Seychelles IBC's.
< >
The International Business Company is a corporate formation
< >
with limited liability, conducting no business in the BVI,
< >
fully exempt from the BVI income taxes and
< >
only paying annual nominal fee to the government.
< >
The Gibraltar Non Resident company is practical and cost efficient
< >
type of company for offshore international business activities.
< >
It is an excellent alternative to the Irish non-resident company
< >
which was very popular as offshore vehicle until 1999.
< >
There is no universal way of establishing an offshore entity -
< >
each business situation needs the individual configuration
< >
of an offshore company. If properly organized,
< >
Gibraltar offshore company allows to improve business efficiency, to get
substantial tax benefits, to reduce costs and maintain confidentiality.