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Indutek LV

Bieķensalas 6, Rīga LV-1004, Latvija
Tel.: (371) 6780-49-49     Fakss.: (371) 6780-49-48

Darbības veidi: Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums: Ūdens apgāde un kanalizācija, krāsošanas ierīces, siltumapgāde, ventilācija un kondicionēšana, stiprinājumi.

Šīs uzņēmums piedalās sekojošās kategorijās:
Būvtehnika un instrumenti / Vispār celtniecības
Būvtehnika un instrumenti / Krāsošanas
Būvtehnika un instrumenti / Apdares
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Kanalizācija
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Ūdensapgādes
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Siltumapgādes
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Furnitūra un nostiprināšanas materiāli
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Ventilācijas un kondicionēšanas



Iepirkumu menedžeris

Reģionālais pārstavis darbam Jelgavā

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Par projektu Reklāma un kontakti Autortiesības un atbildība
Copyright © 2003-2004 All rights reserved. Izstrādāts

    Latvijas Reitingi Top.LV
Seychelles offshore shelf companies are previously organized and
< >
never used corporations, with registered capital and all the costs paid,
< >
which can be purchased for customer's immediate needs, in order
< >
to avoid the waiting time for incorporation, or for those clients
< >
who wish to operate with long established offshore entity.
< >
Various offshore companies are available in Gibraltar
< >
including Gibraltar non-resident companies.
< >
The Gibraltar Non Resident company is practical and cost efficient
< >
type of company for offshore international business activities.
< >
It is an excellent alternative to the Irish non-resident company
< >
which was very popular as offshore vehicle until 1999.
< >
There is no universal way of establishing an offshore entity -
< >
each business situation needs the individual configuration
< >
of an offshore company. If properly organized,
< >
Gibraltar offshore company allows to improve business efficiency, to get
< >
substantial tax benefits, to reduce costs and maintain confidentiality.
< >
Gibraltar offshore companies are flexible, as they can be re-domiciled
< >
in many other offshore jurisdictions including Malta,
the British Virgin Islands and the USA.