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Šīs uzņēmums piedalās sekojošās kategorijās:
Būvtehnika un instrumenti / Elektriskie
Būvtehnika un instrumenti / Griezēj
Būvtehnika un instrumenti / Apdares
Būvtehnika un instrumenti / Vispār celtniecības
Būvtehnika un instrumenti / Krāsošanas
Darbu izpildīšana / Ārējo virsmu un fasāžu apdare
Darbu izpildīšana / Grīdas, griestu un sienu apdare
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Krāsas, lakas, ķīmija
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Ģipsis, cements, pārējie sausie maisījumi
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Iekšējā apdare
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Flīzes, ģipškartons, segumi
Būvmateriāli un aprīkojums / Logi, durvis, kāpnes



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    Latvijas Reitingi Top.LV
British Virgin Islands (BVI) is the most popular offshore jurisdiction
< >
in the world for International Business Companies (IBC's).
< >
BVI legislation is modern and very flexible, there are more benefits
< >
than requirements, this has made it the base for IBC formation legislation
< >
in many Caribbean jurisdictions. They consider it to be the ideal model
< >
for establishing an international financial centre
< >
and attracting the world offshore community.
< >
The International Business Company is a corporate formation
< >
with limited liability, conducting no business in the BVI,
< >
fully exempt from the BVI income taxes and
< >
only paying annual nominal fee to the government.
< >
Seychelles IBC's are incorporated under the
< >
International Business Companies Act 1994, which enables for
< >
the formation of offshore companies
< >
with minimal compliance requirements and high confidentiality standards.
< >
Offshore company is a specialized offshore incorporation firm located
< >
in Gibraltar and licensed by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
to provide offshore company formation services.