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| > Seychelles do not have double taxation agreements with other countries, hence
< > information must not be shared with international business authorities.
< > BVI International Business Companies provide
< > the strong combination of high flexibility and
< > the unquestioned confidentiality that allowed them to become
< > the most popular and widely used type of offshore company.
< > BVI legislation is modern and very flexible, there are more benefits
< > than requirements, this has made it the base for IBC formation legislation
< > in many Caribbean jurisdictions. They consider it to be the ideal model
< > for establishing an international financial centre
< > and attracting the world offshore community.
< > The BVI are a British Overseas Territory, and this provides for the country
< > exceptional political and economical stability and higher standard of living
< > than in most countries of the region. This is
< > an ideal financial and tax planning centre for international business
< > that is seeking less publicity and more confidentiality.
< > BVI offshore sector includes International Business Company,
< Limited Partnership and Trust, all of them not liable to any taxes.