| > Seychelles offshore IBC stays asolutely tax-free if not carrying on business
< > in Seychelles. Other rules for Seychelles offshore companies are not to own
< > real estate in Seychelles and not to conduct banking and insurance operations.
< > The most common and advantageus way of offshore company formation in
< > Seychelles is incorporating an IBC, which is an ideal offshore instrument
< > for international business and investment activities.
< > Company setting in Seychelles may take from one to five days, which is
< > one of the shortest terms for offshore company incorporation.
< > Seychelles offshore shelf companies are previously organized and
< > never used corporations, with registered capital and all the costs paid,
< > which can be purchased for customer's immediate needs, in order
< > to avoid the waiting time for incorporation, or for those clients
< > who wish to operate with long established offshore entity.
< > For offshore company registration in Seychelles, only one director
< > and one shareholder are required; each of them can be either physical person
< > or corporate entity. Their details do not appear in the public records.
< > Information about beneficial owners, directors and shareholders
< > is kept confidential, not becoming the part of public record.
< For maintaining owner's confidentiality, nominee services are also available.