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Allažu iela 4, Rīga, LV-1005.
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Darbības veidi: Būvtehnika un instrumenti: Leica Geosystems mērniecības instrumenti, apmācība un serviss.

Šīs uzņēmums piedalās sekojošās kategorijās:
Būvtehnika un instrumenti / Mērinstrumenti



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Reģionālais pārstavis darbam Jelgavā

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    Latvijas Reitingi Top.LV
Various offshore companies are available in Gibraltar
< >
including Gibraltar non-resident companies.
< >
Personal privacy of any shareholder or director is well protected as their names
< >
do not appear in any BVI incorporation documents and public records.
< >
In their turn, shareholders and directors
< >
are ensuring confidentiality of beneficiary owners.
< >
The most common and advantageus way of offshore company formation in
< >
Seychelles is incorporating an IBC, which is an ideal offshore instrument
< >
for international business and investment activities.
< >
Obvious advantages of offshore company formation in Seychelles are
< >
tax efficiency, full exemption from income tax, withholding tax,
< >
capital gains tax, inheritance or corporation tax, minimal compliance
< >
requirements, confidentiality and absence of foreign exchange control.
< >
Seychelles Special License Company is a new entity regulated by the
< >
Companies (Special Licenses) Act 2003, with the status of a low-tax company
< >
and using all the benefits of double tax avoidance treaties
that are not accessible for Seychelles IBC's.