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Liepājā spriedīs par piekrastes apbūvi

Avots: Dienas Bizness

21. aprīlī Liepājā ieradīsies 45 arhitektu un pilsētplānotāju delegācija, lai piedalītos praktiskā seminārā par piekrastes dzīvojamās apbūves līdzsvarotu attīstību. Plānošanas un izpētes darbi noritēs no 21. līdz 25.aprīlim. Delegācija ierodas Baltijas Pilsētu savienības Pilsētplānotāju komisijas projekta Baltijas pilsētu alianse ( ABC – Aliance of Baltic Cities ) ietvaros. Semināra laikā tiks veidotas trīs darba grupas un katra no tām strādās noteiktā pilsētas teritorijā : 1.grupa – starp Ezerkrasta mikrorajoniem; 2.grupa - starp pilsētas centrā , ostmalā; 3.grupa – Karostā.



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    Latvijas Reitingi Top.LV
BVI legislation is modern and very flexible, there are more benefits
< >
than requirements, this has made it the base for IBC formation legislation
< >
in many Caribbean jurisdictions. They consider it to be the ideal model
< >
for establishing an international financial centre
< >
and attracting the world offshore community.
< >
Obvious advantages of offshore company formation in Seychelles are
< >
tax efficiency, full exemption from income tax, withholding tax,
< >
capital gains tax, inheritance or corporation tax, minimal compliance
< >
requirements, confidentiality and absence of foreign exchange control.
< >
Various offshore companies are available in Gibraltar
< >
including Gibraltar non-resident companies.
< >
Economical and legal stability in Gibraltar gives additional
< >
advantages to the owners of Gibraltar offshore companies:
< >
not only they enjoy all the features of asset protection, but also
< >
acquire stability and good reputation for their business.
< >
Gibraltar offshore companies are flexible, as they can be re-domiciled
< >
in many other offshore jurisdictions including Malta,
the British Virgin Islands and the USA.