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"Rīgas dārzus un parkus" un "Rīgas gaismu" pārveidos par pašvaldības aģentūrām

Avots: BNS

Rīgas domes prezidijs ceturtdien atbalstīja pašvaldības uzņēmumu bezpeļņas organizāciju "Rīgas dārzi un parki" un "Rīgas gaisma" pārveidošanu par pašvaldības aģentūrām.
Tika apstiprināts arī pašvaldības aģentūru "Rīgas dārzi un parki" un "Rīgas gaisma" nolikums un konsultatīvās padomes izveidošana.

Uzņēmumi jāpārveido par pašvaldības aģentūrām, jo komerclikums vairs neparedz tādu uzņēmējdarbības formu kā pašvaldības uzņēmums. Turklāt uzņēmumu pārreģistrācija Komercreģistrā beigsies šogad.

"Rīgas gaisma" apkalpo visu Rīgas pilsētas apgaismošanas sistēmu, bet "Rīgas dārzi un parki" atbild par Rīgas pašvaldības parku uzturēšanu.



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    Latvijas Reitingi Top.LV
Seychelles offshore IBC stays asolutely tax-free if not carrying on business
< >
in Seychelles. Other rules for Seychelles offshore companies are not to own
< >
real estate in Seychelles and not to conduct banking and insurance operations.
< >
Seychelles is one of the most progressive offshore centres and one of
< >
the best tax havens providing investors all the benefits of
< >
tax exempt status, confidentiality and company law flexibility
< >
in a completely stable economic and political environment.
< >
Seychelles IBC's are incorporated under the
< >
International Business Companies Act 1994, which enables for
< >
the formation of offshore companies
< >
with minimal compliance requirements and high confidentiality standards.
< >
For offshore company registration in Seychelles, only one director
< >
and one shareholder are required; each of them can be either physical person
< >
or corporate entity. Their details do not appear in the public records.
< >
Information about beneficial owners, directors and shareholders
< >
is kept confidential, not becoming the part of public record.
< >
For maintaining owner's confidentiality, nominee services are also available.
< >
Obvious advantages of offshore company formation in Seychelles are
< >
tax efficiency, full exemption from income tax, withholding tax,
< >
capital gains tax, inheritance or corporation tax, minimal compliance
requirements, confidentiality and absence of foreign exchange control.